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Discover how Masters Swimmers are using this system to crush 7 year old PBs in

less than 3 months!

Here's how Chad Le Clos went from the worst season of his life, to Double Gold at world championships and a lifetime best at 30 years old

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If you keep reading to the end of this page...

...You're going to learn the 3 biggest secrets that Masters Swimmers aren't using to get fitter, happier, and most importantly breaking PBs in competition in just a few months.

Even if you have no intention to join the plan - you're still going to get a ton of value, so keep reading!

Here is the issue with Masters Swimming...

Masters swimming is a tough deal... you get told that you'll never amount to the athlete you used to be, but training stays just as hard. You want to do better in competitions so you train harder, dial in your nutrition and every other aspect of your recovery, and yet you keep looking up at the scoreboard dissapointed.

Maybe you're destined to just keep getting slower and keep getting beaten because that's just what happens as you get older.

I get masters swimmers coming to me with the same story everytime... you've tried all the tricks, you've tried working harder, you've tried doing more, but you keep falling short. You resign yourself to your fate and half give-up on the idea that you could ever be fast again, which leads to less focus in the pool, less belief...and less speed. Perhaps you should've just been a recreational swimmer.

The problem with that is - swimming fast is fun! The rush of beating your rival or smashing your PB is what made you fall in love with the sport in the first place. Fitness was a side effect.

I get asked all the time how I'm able to get Masters swimmers out of this slump and breaking their best times in just a few months. It's never the qucik fix you're looking for... The hard reality you have to face is that your training plan as a whole isn't working!

The real fix is a change. If you really want to start performing like a champion again, you need to rebuild your swimming from the bottom up... and I'm about to show you how.

It's not your fault...

If you can relate to the section above, there's no point in beating yourself up - the fact of the matter is this is what most masters swimmers are going through.

It's a minefield of misinformation out there. It's so easy to feel lost because you're getting bombarded by promises that this little trick, this drill, this set are the one thing that are going to change your swimming. The thing is it's all marketing, and these entities don't actually know how to get you faster for the long run.

Some of this info might even be from good sources - the problem is if you don't know how to piece these things together and structure it in a holistic plan that works for YOU - it's like trying to bake a cake with all the ingredients, but no ends up messy.

Who am I?

You're probably wondering why I'm able to speak on this so confidently...

I'm Sonny Trigg, aka TheSwimsuitGuy, and I have been fortunate enough to work with hundreds of swimmers from age-groupers, to masters swimmers, to Olympic Champions like Chad Le Clos, and have taken all these levels to crushing their lifetime bests.

My favourite thing in the world is watching my swimmers swim faster than they ever have before in their life, and it's my mission to get as many swimmers as I can to realise their potential... including you.

Here's a graph to show the results Ollly had after just a few months on this plan. The results are quick and obvious. Olly was 38 when he swam the 58.32 which broke a 6 year old lifetime best.

How I learnt the secrets to fast swimming...

I started my coaching journey in 2017 at BSM Marlins in Oman. I truly believed what we all were told growing up in swimming - that big volume, hard work and grinding was the only way to get fast... the thing is, after months coaching in this manner, I realised that all this was doing was making swimmers tired, and unmotivated. They hated swimming! I knew something was wrong but I didn't have the knowledge or skills to know how to change it.

A couple of years later I had the amazing opportunity to be mentored by some of the greatest coaches of all time: Brett Hawke, James Gibson and Tom Rushton. I was blown away as I watched their sessions. Here were world class swimmers, swimming some of the fastest times the world has ever seen, AND LOVING IT!

I learnt that both longevity and success in swimming was a by-product of effective and enjoyable programs. No matter what the intention of the session, engagement is the most important part. This allowed me to throw away needless volume and constant fatigue. Getting better was now simple.

In 2022 I took over as Chad Le Clos's coach, having had the worse season of his life just before - I was in for a tough task. However, with the most enjoyable sessions he'd ever done, and the least volume, we were able to get him, at the grand age of 30, to actually break his lifetime best and win Double Gold at world champs!

This wasn't a fluke either. I wanted to see if this would work for the average masters swimmer too. Now I get success story after success story from my clients having broken, not only their masters best, but their lifetime bests following my program!

You could get here on your own...

You could learn the skills and knowledge I've built, and you could use this to train yourself.

The issue there is, to get to this point, it'll take you 10 years of constant failures in experiementation with yourself and others. It'd take years of daily obsession, sleeping on coaches couches, studying the best athletes constantly, challenging your beleifs, taking notes, coaching for hours a day for free, living on crumbs, FOR YEARS.

I made this program so you don't have to do all of that. I want you to piggyback off my sacrifice and opportunity so you can start getting amazing results, TODAY!

The old way of training...

Here what a traditonal training plan advocates...

1. Fatigue is king - the more tired you can make yourself, the better you'll be.

2. Grinding hard all the time is more important than focus on technique.

3. You have to push yourself to exhaustion every single day to get anything out of your training.

4. One bad day is two steps back.

In my experience, having tried the traditional methods, is that this type of training doesn't work for 99% of people.

My clients started getting much better results, enjoying training so much more and actually seeing drops on the scoreboard when they started doing this instead...

Here are the 4 pillars of effective training for masters swimmers:

1. To get fast, you have to swim at race pace or faster.

2. Improving technique requires focus, if you train it fresh, fast and foucsed you can drop a lot of time quickly without getting fitter - when done right you can go faster than ever while being at the pool less.

3. Don't let today ruin tomorrow. To race well you need to train well. To train well you need to be fresh enough to do so.

4. Focus trumps volume. Yardage is a side-effect in my programs, not the main focus.

It won't work for me...

Most masters swimmers think they're too old to really make any difference, that there is no way they can get to dropping lifetime bests again and that even if there was a way it wouldn't work for them because of their special circumstance.

The thing is, we keep getting results by tackling these simple things... Here's how we got swimmers to drop time quickly, whether they went under a minute for the first time on 100 free or whether they completed their first 400IM in years...

The secrets to dropping time quick as a masters swimmer - no matter your age or level:

1. Focus on aquiring new skills, such as dolphin kicks and breath control. There are so many areas of your racing that you have never put serious consistent time into developing - when you do, magic happens, and it happens quick.

2. Prioritise speed - you're probably already fit enough so beating that dead horse for many more years won't make you fast.

3. Speed is the foundation for every event in the pool - whether you're training for a 50 or a 1500, the best guys in the world are FAST. So we train speed properly no matter what your events.

4. Start with the most important part of the session - doing sprints at the end of practice when you're tired doesn't help. We train the main focus of the day when you're fresh and engaged.

5. Happy swimmers are fast swimmers - sessions have to be fun and you have to be able to see your progress. This is the key to staying consistent with high quality training.

I can't get these kind of results with my lifestyle...

Many of my clients tell me that before starting this plan, they would be in constant worry of whether they were doing enough, doing the right things, recovering enough, etc. That worry would eat into their life and infect their mood.

I believe in getting "bang for your buck" sessions in, and working your training around your life, so you can have some wiggle room and still be confident that you're progressing.

Here's how you can get results no matter what the rest of your life looks like...

1. Get more done in less time. Effective sessions can be done in under 45 minutes - if you need to quit the session early, you can still leave knowing you made huge progress, whilst your competitors are still warming up.

2. Plan your training around your life - not the other way around. We have found the best results come when you can place your most important sessions on days you know you'll feel the best.

3. Design sessions to make you better, not tired. Swimming is just a part of your life. If it leaves you exhausted, other aspect of your life will suffer and you'll gradually start to resent swimming. Most of my clients tell me they actually feel better for having done a session - they're in a better mood and they leave excited to come back for the next one.

What are your other options?

Myswimpro offers AI generated sessions that are extremley affordable at $19.99 a month and come with a swanky app but sessions are designed for recreational swimmers and you won't get faster at racing. My programs are for serious swimmers - we don't do recreation, we turn you into a PB machine.

You can put together workouts from social media creators. This will be free and you may even be able to follow the same session plan as an olympian like Cody Miller. However, the beauty of a great training plan is how it's structured to work for YOU. With my plan, you don't have to worry about how to put the pieces together, you can just turn up and have confidence that it's the perfect fit for you on that day.

There is also the option to join a local masters club. You may enjoy the comradery and social interaction but I have found most people seek me out because they are not happy with stagnant performences training with a one size fits all masters squad. If you want major results and enjoyable sessions that you KNOW are getting you faster, this program is for you.

You could even try and find a local coach to privatley give you sessions. This would of course end up being very expensive at over $100 a session. This program is much cheaper and I give you the tools to be able to coach yourself better than your local coach could.

TheSwimsuitGuy's Masters Plan is the best option for you if you are a serious swimmer, who wants to take control back of your performances and start swimming faster than ever when it comes to race day.

What you get...

Masters Plan Membership

1. You get access to the main program with a personalised Google Drive folder

2. Each week you will recieve 4 new session plans personalised for your events

3. This will get you faster, improve speed endurance and develop distamce per stroke. ($200/month)

SwimStrength Pre-pool Primer

This is an ebook dedicated to teaching you what I use for the perfect warm up to use before a gym or swim session.

There are set program ranging from 5-30 minutes long and use exercises that will not only get your nervous system primed for a more effective session, but will improve your mobility and health over time ($27)

Warm-up Protocol Ebook

Learn how to develop the perfect warm up suited for your needs and get templates different elite athletes have used, including chad le Clos perfect warm up. ($10)

Pre-Race Ritual Guide

This guide teaches you how to set up your race day for success, from getting to the pool, to your pre-race ritual, to warm down and prep for other races - this will arm you with the knowledge to be on your game every time you step up not the blocks ($10)

2 week Taper session plans

Two weeks of carefully curated taper sessions to get the most out of your performence at the big meet. This is based off what some of the best swimmers in the world (Siobhan Haughey, Max Litchfield and Chad Le Clos are just some examples) do before their peak meet. ($50)

12 Week 100 Race Pace Training Ebook

1. Progressive sessions developed to inrease performence in yoiur 100m events in just 12 weeks.

2. Bonus sessions to use at completition of the 12 weeks. ($100)

Resistance Training Seminar by Brett Hawke and Sonny Trigg

1. Recording an online seminar hosted by international coaches Brett Hawke and Sonny Trigg

2. Brett Hawke explains how he used resistance training to coach the fastest two 50 Freestyle performences in history.

3. Sample resistance sessions to try as used by Bruno Fratus, Fred Bousqet and Cesar Cielo


TheSwimsuitGuy Training Guide

This course will go into everything you need to know about following the program, from how to use our RPE intensity system, how to do understand different elements of your sessions and the abbrivations I use.


Tom Rushton Colours System Guide

This guide will give you full understanding of the colour system these training plans will use. The system is desigend by Tom Rushton and will give you the why begind all sets.


Black Friday Bonus

arena x TheSwimsuitGuy Moulded Silicone Cap ($25)

Vintage "Festival" T-Shirt ($25)

All of these goodies are worth a whopping $467, and for Blacl Friday we’re offering this to you for just $150/month. After this weekend (26th November) the price will go up to $200 a month and you won't get the same bonuses.

What if I don't have the time?

The reality is you can fit so much more in your life with this plan than you currently are now. This membership was born because I wanted to break the barrier of swimmers coming back to swimming and show them they could be fast with way less swimming than they ever thought. You tell me how much you want to train and how fast you want to get, let me do the rest.

It's a lot a money to spend on swimming...

You have already decided that swimming is something worthwhile investing in. Think about how much you have spent on multiple race suits ($400 a piece), recovery tools ($300 massage gun), meet entries and accomdation (over a $1000 a season). To spend the same amount as a strabucks coffee each day for THE MOST IMPORTANT PART in your success seems like a baragin.

You wouldn't go to a meet without at least 2 race suits. These may give you up to 0.1 per 50 in perfromence. We have had swimmers drop over a second off their 50m PBs and over 5 seconds off their 200m PBs in just the first 3 months on this plan. This plan will also, unlike a race suit, keep offering this level of improvement. So if you consider a race suit essential, what would you consider this plan?

Will it be a good fit for me?

We are accomdating for swimmers of all levels and ages. Everything is adjusted to your needs at the start and each session will have multiple options for send off times (with guidance of which one you should use) so you can feel the correct satisfaction from the session. If you are serious about your swimming, so are we.

If we guarnteed you would hit PBs in just three months, would you sign up?

Lucky for you, I am going to give you that guarntee right now. If you are unsatisfied with the program after 30 days and have left a feedback comment on completion of every session in that month... I will give you back every penny. If you are truly not confident that this is the best investment you have made into your swimming, I don't want your money.

Who this isn't for...

1. If you are just looking to keep fit.

2. If you are lazy.

3. If you can't be indepenent and need someone to hold your hand through everything.

4. A novice or beginner swimmer just trying to learn the basics.

This program is perfect for you if...

1. If you are commited to getting faster than ever before.

2. You want to race.

3. You are indepenent and only need occasional guidance.

4. You are ready to make a big change.

What the swimmers are saying....

It's time to choose...

There is a reason you have made it this far. All that is left to do is hit the button below and take control back of your swimming today - or stay stuck on the path you are on.

If you are ready to take the leap and start transforming your swimming, hit the button below to get started right now!

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